According to Qur'ān 6:160, while bad deeds would be ...
According to Qur'ān 6:160, while bad deeds would be rewarded in the same measure, good deeds would be rewarded
half measure
uncountable fold
Correct answer is B
Qur'an 6:160
"Whoever will come to Allah with a good deed shall have ten times as much, and whoever will come to Allah with an evil deed, shall be requited with no more than the like of it. They shall not be wronged..."
Which of the following is not a form of shirk according to the Quran? ...
‘… here are my daughters: they are purer for you’… (Q.11:78) The stateme...
"'Alam yajidka yatiman fa'awa "(Q.93:6) refers to Muhammad (S.A.W.) as ...
Any Hadith whose message is directly from Allah is ...
Taharah simply means _______ ...
With the institution of zakāh, the distribution of wealth within the society should become ...
A Muslim who joins the Imām while he is rising from the last rukū’ of the last rak’ah ...
Subh prayer contains _____ obligatory ra’kahs? ...
Sadaq is the exclusive property of the ...
The following religions existed in Ariabia before islam except ...