If you lend him a book he will lend it to some one else a...
Read the sentence below to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Choose the option with that part as your answer. If there is no error, choose 'D' as your answer. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).
If you lend him a book he will lend it to some one else and never you will get it back.
If you lend him a book
he will lend it to someone else
and never you will get it back.
No error.
Correct answer is C
and you will never get it back.
The common people consider some of the questions that the scholars ask unimportant ...
The officer who had neglected to file his income tax returns had to ...... ...
She is no longer popular as she has a friends ...
I felt somewhat more relaxed ...... ...
S1: But how does a new word get into the dictionary? P : When a new dictionary is being edited, a...
The doctor advised the patient not to eat rice. ...
The main theme of this passage is ...
What is the opposite of ANNOY? ...
We decided not tell to the patient about the disease he was suffering from. ...
The number of marks carried by each question are indicated at the end of the question. ...