Four words are given below. Find out the word, of which t...
Four words are given below. Find out the word, of which the spelling is WRONG. Choose option 'E', if all four words are spelt correctly.
All correct
Correct answer is C
The historian has been working on the project from last 12 years. ...
Which sentence should come fourth in the paragraph ? ...
I met him after a long time, but he gave me the cold shoulder. ...
S1: The city is almost a slum and stinks most of time. P : The slush on the road did not deter th...
Women P : till the other day Q : who were content being housewives R : about spending their...
Practically, very little work could be completed in the last week as it was ...... ...
Which of the following should be the fourth sentence in the paragraph? ...
The two bridges were known ...
1. I 2. help 3. not 4. you 5. did ...
We wanted to purchase something but all the three stores in that area were closed on that day. ...