In the Presidential System of Government, the president i...
In the Presidential System of Government, the president is elected to office by
the Cabinet
the Parliament or Legislature
the people through direct elections
Correct answer is D
It can also be called the electorate because sovereignty lies in the electorate.
Which of the following protects the liberties of individuals in the state? ...
The country that championed decolonization in Africa was ...
One of the following reasons is unlikely to necessitate the emergence of a federal system? ...
People's political values are continuously shaped by the following agents except ...
The atomic bomb tests carried out around the Sahara Desert made Nigeria severe relations with ...
A human community that is usually cohesive and homogeneous is a ...
The major policy of General Gowon’s administration immediately after the Nigerian civil war wa...
The election officer charged with the responsibility of announcing election results is the ...
Which of these rulers resisted colonial rule and was deported to Calabar? ...