One of the programmes binding members of the Commonwealth...
One of the programmes binding members of the Commonwealth is the
Food and aid programme
Cultural programme
Agenda for peace
Scholarship scheme
Correct answer is C
An Agenda for Peace: Preventive diplomacy, peacemaking and peace-keeping, more commonly known simply as An Agenda for Peace, is a report written for the United Nations by Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali in 1992. In it, Boutros-Ghali responds to a request by the UN Security Council for an "analysis and recommendations" to strengthen peacemaking and peace-keeping. The document outlines the way Boutros-Ghali felt the UN should respond to conflict in the post-Cold War world.
The French policy of assimilation was based on the assumption that African culture was ...
Under a presidential system of government, the legislature and the executive are ...
A major problem of the defunct Organization of African Unity was ...
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Which of the following links the Commonwealth countries together? ...
The problem of the minority groups in Nigeria was first raised in the ...
A popular British colonial system of administration in the protectorates in West Africa was ...