The body that is responsible for the appointment, discipl...
The body that is responsible for the appointment, discipline, promotion and dismissal of civil servants
Civil service commission
Ministry of labour and productivity
ministry of establishment
bureau for police service reforms
Correct answer is A
A civil service commission is a government agency that is constituted by legislature to regulate the employment and working conditions of civil servants, oversee hiring and promotions, and promote the values of the public service.
An agreed set of rules prescribing the governance of a country can be the ...
Which of the following tools is not used by pressure groups to achieve with their aim? ...
One of the programmes binding members of the Commonwealth is the ...
Whom is the current chairperson of ECOWAS? ...
A local government administration promotes ...
The greatest criticism of the Security Council of the UNO is that it ...
A government shared by two authorities is called ...
Indirect election refers to an election that ...
In a Federal System (such as Nigeria) the Local Governments are directly responsible ...