There is no hard and fast rule ...
In the following question, four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase in bold and italics in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of idiom/phrase.
There is no hard and fast rule regarding this subject.
rule that is difficult
rule that is fat changing
rule that cannot be broken or modified
rule that can be broken or modified
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Swift is known in the world of letters for his misogynism. ...
They had an insipid conversation. ...
The General Manager is quite tactful and handles the workers union very effectively. ...
He is well known for coming up with impracticable solutions. ...
S1: For some time in his youth, Abraham Lincoln was manager for a shop. P : Then a chance Custome...
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He has seen the picture yesterday. ...