Although India is still by far ...
In the question given below, a part of the sentence is in bold and italicised. Below are given alternatives to the bold and italicised part which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, choose option 'D' as the answer.
Although India is still by far a poor country, it can become rich if its natural and human resources are fully utilised.
few and far between
by and large
by and by
No improvement
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
It was universally characterized as a progressive measure. ...
What is the opposite of CROWDED? ...
Whatever he was today is only because of his mother who was a renowned scientist. ...
Which of the following should be the third sentence in the paragraph? ...
The secretary and the treasurer are hand in glove with each other. ...
The man said, "No, I refused to plead guilty." ...
Ronaldo was so badly injured that he needed ...... care in the hospital. ...
What is the opposite of ABSOLUTE? ...
What is the synonym of FEEBLE? ...
The underworld still makes solid profit out of illicit liquor. ...