Nigeria adopted the federal system of government because ...
Nigeria adopted the federal system of government because of
Uneven development
The availability of limited resources
The adoption of a state religion
The fear of domination of minorities
Correct answer is D
The demand for the creation of newer states in Nigeria tends to emanate from sub-state groups, often ethnic- or tribal-interest groups, which accuse the current larger state governments of subverting or ignoring the interests and necessities of the more local regions.
The official members in the Legislative Councils of the British Colonial government were ...
A common feature of a multi-party system is that government is formed by ...
The Indigenat Policy is attributable to the ___ ...
A federal government is a form of? ...
Which of the following factors limits the expression of public opinion? ...
During the Civil War, the major power that expressed moral support for Biafra's self- determinat...
The guiding principle of communism is from each according to his/her ...
The problem that has bedeviled many developing societies is known as ______? ...