If a winner emerges in an election as a result of his/her...
If a winner emerges in an election as a result of his/her votes being more than the combined votes of the opposing contestants; what types of electoral system is being practised?
Absolute majority
second ballot
alternative vote
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
A governmental system where the head of state is distinct from the head of government is called ...
The cornerstone of a functioning democracy is the ...
The Untied Nations's Day is celebrated on ...
The system of voting on behalf of another person is known as ...
In Nigeria, military regimes returned power to civilians through ...
Carpet-corssing is a characteristic of ...
The functions of political parties include the following except ...
In parliamentary system of government a vote of no confidence means expression of disapproval of ...
When a court of law declares an action of the executive ultra-vires , it implies that ...