If a winner emerges in an election as a result of his/her...
If a winner emerges in an election as a result of his/her votes being more than the combined votes of the opposing contestants; what types of electoral system is being practised?
Absolute majority
second ballot
alternative vote
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Nigeria contributed to the South African Liberation Fund because ...
One of features of a unitary state is that ...
The African Union is most often unable to resolve conflicts because of _________ ...
A person who exercises franchise performs ...
The Lagos Colony and the Southern Protectorate of Nigeria were joined in the year ...
Fascist movement has its origin in ...
The teaching and learning of political culture is known as political ...
In which political system does the government control every aspect of a citizen's life? ...
Political participation in Nigeria is limited by all the following except ...