Ongoing Recruitment at Bingham University

Bingham University located in Karu, 25 kilometers from the Federal Capital city of Nigeria Abuja, was established in 2005 by the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) as a Conventional University. It is one of the six private universities in the north and the only one established by a Christian organization.

The main purpose of ECWA was to meet the daring need for high-quality Secular Education which recognizes and integrates the moral and spiritual values on which the Christian faith is founded as well as focuses on entrepreneurial studies in order to promote self-reliance among graduates of the University.

Applications are invited for the positions of:



Job Title: Lecturer II

Location: Karu, Nasarawa
Faculty: Arts
Department: Philosophy

Qualifications and Experience
Candidates applying for the position of Lecturer II must possess the following:

  • Interested applicants must possess a BSc / MSc, MBBS Fellowship (Part I)
  • At least five (5) years experience at the University of Tertiary institution 
  • To be appointable, the candidate must show evidence of two (2) scholarly publications in reputable journals and demonstrate potentials for academic leadership.



Job Title: Lecturer II

Location: Karu, Nasarawa
Faculty: Health Sciences
Department: Medical Laboratory Sciences

Qualifications and Experience
Candidates applying for the position of Lecturer II must possess the following:

  • Interested applicants must possess a BSc / MSc, MBBS Fellowship (Part I)
  • At least five (5) years experience at the University of Tertiary institution 
  • To be appointable, the candidate must show evidence of two (2) scholarly publications in reputable journals and demonstrate potentials for academic leadership.



Job Title: Lecturer II

Location: Karu, Nasarawa
Faculty: Pharmacy
Departments: Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Pharmacology

Qualifications and Experience
Candidates applying for the position of Lecturer II must possess the following:

  • Interested applicants must possess a BSc / MSc, MBBS Fellowship (Part I)
  • At least five (5) years experience at the University of Tertiary institution 
  • To be appointable, the candidate must show evidence of two (2) scholarly publications in reputable journals and demonstrate potentials for academic leadership.



Job Title: Lecturer I

Location: Karu, Nasarawa
Faculty: Pharmacy
Departments: Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Pharmacy


  • Interested applicants must possess a PhD or MBBS Fellowship Part 1 with at least five (5) years of experience in teaching at the University level or;
  • M.Sc / MA with five (5) years teaching experience in addition to being enrolled for a PhD programme.
  • The candidate must show evidence of four (4) scholaly publications in reputable jounals and demonstrate potentials for academic leadership.



Job Title: Lecturer I

Location: Karu, Nasarawa
Faculty: Clinical Sciences
Department: Internal Medicine (Neurologist and Cardiologist)


  • Interested applicants must possess a PhD or MBBS Fellowship Part 1 with at least five (5) years of experience in teaching at the University level or;
  • M.Sc / MA with five (5) years teaching experience in addition to being enrolled for a PhD programme.
  • The candidate must show evidence of four (4) scholaly publications in reputable jounals and demonstrate potentials for academic leadership.



Job Title: Lecturer I

Location: Karu, Nasarawa
Faculty: Arts
Department: Philosopy


  • Interested applicants must possess a PhD or MBBS Fellowship Part 1 with at least five (5) years of experience in teaching at the University level or;
  • M.Sc / MA with five (5) years teaching experience in addition to being enrolled for a PhD programme.
  • The candidate must show evidence of four (4) scholaly publications in reputable jounals and demonstrate potentials for academic leadership.



Job Title: Lecturer I

Location: Karu, Nasarawa
Faculty: Health Sciences
Department: Medical Laboratory Sciences


  • Interested applicants must possess a PhD or MBBS Fellowship Part 1 with at least five (5) years of experience in teaching at the University level or;
  • M.Sc / MA with five (5) years teaching experience in addition to being enrolled for a PhD programme.
  • The candidate must show evidence of four (4) scholaly publications in reputable jounals and demonstrate potentials for academic leadership.



Job Title: Senior Lecturer

Location: Karu, Nasarawa
Faculty: Law


  • Interested applicants must possess a BA / B.Sc / MBBS and Fellowship Part II / M.A / M.Sc and PhD from a recognized University and with at least Eight (8) years of teaching and research at University level
  • To be acceptable, the candidate must show evidence of eight (8) scholarly publications in reputable Journals and must be able to demonstrate potentials for academic leadership.
  • Registration with professional body is required.



Job Title: Senior Lecturer

Location: Karu, Nasarawa
Faculty: Arts
Department: Philosophy


  • Interested applicants must possess a BA / B.Sc / MBBS and Fellowship Part II / M.A / M.Sc and PhD from a recognized University and with at least Eight (8) years of teaching and research at University level
  • To be acceptable, the candidate must show evidence of eight (8) scholarly publications in reputable Journals and must be able to demonstrate potentials for academic leadership.
  • Registration with professional body is required.



Job Title: Senior Lecturer

Location: Karu, Nasarawa
Faculty: Health Sciences
Department: Medical Laboratory Sciences


  • Interested applicants must possess a BA / B.Sc / MBBS and Fellowship Part II / M.A / M.Sc and PhD from a recognized University and with at least Eight (8) years of teaching and research at University level
  • To be acceptable, the candidate must show evidence of eight (8) scholarly publications in reputable Journals and must be able to demonstrate potentials for academic leadership.
  • Registration with professional body is required.



Job Title: Senior Lecturer

Location: Karu, Nasarawa
Faculty: Basic Clinical Services
Departments: Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Chemical Pathology, Morbid Anatomy


  • Interested applicants must possess a BA / B.Sc / MBBS and Fellowship Part II / M.A / M.Sc and PhD from a recognized University and with at least Eight (8) years of teaching and research at University level
  • To be acceptable, the candidate must show evidence of eight (8) scholarly publications in reputable Journals and must be able to demonstrate potentials for academic leadership.
  • Registration with professional body is required.



Job Title: Senior Lecturer

Location: Karu, Nasarawa
Faculty: Pharmacy
Department: Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry


  • Interested applicants must possess a BA / B.Sc / MBBS and Fellowship Part II / M.A / M.Sc and PhD from a recognized University and with at least Eight (8) years of teaching and research at University level
  • To be acceptable, the candidate must show evidence of eight (8) scholarly publications in reputable Journals and must be able to demonstrate potentials for academic leadership.
  • Registration with professional body is required.



Job Title: Senior Lecturer

Location: Karu, Nasarawa
Faculty: Environmental Sciences
Department: Architecture


  • Interested applicants must possess a BA / B.Sc / MBBS and Fellowship Part II / M.A / M.Sc and PhD from a recognized University and with at least Eight (8) years of teaching and research at University level
  • To be acceptable, the candidate must show evidence of eight (8) scholarly publications in reputable Journals and must be able to demonstrate potentials for academic leadership.
  • Registration with professional body is required.



Job Title: Senior Science Laboratory Technologist

Location: Karu, Nasarawa

To be eligible for appointment to this position, candidate shall possess any of the following:

  • HND / B.Sc Degree (Second class lower category) with at least 6 years relevant work experience in a recognized institution and must possess NYSC decharge or exemption or a full Technology Certificate in relevant disciplines (not below credit level) with a minimum of 12 years relevant work experience.



Job Title: Senior Technical Officer I

Location: Karu, Nasarawa

To be eligible for appointment to this position, a candidate must possess the following qualifications:

  • B.Sc. Degree (third class division) with NYSC discharge or exemption certificate and registration with MIScT AIScT or AIST plus 6 years work experience.
  • HND in relevant discipline (not below lower credit), NYSC discharge or exemption certificate, registration with MIScT, AIScT or AIST plus 8 years work experience.
  • ND (not below lower credit) plus 10 years working experience.



Job Title: Senior Technical Officer II

Location: Karu, Nasarawa

To be eligible for appointment to this position, a candidate must possess the
following qualifications:

  • B.Sc. Degree (third class division) with NYSC discharge or exemption certificate and registration with MIScT AIScT or AIST plus three (3) years work experience.
  • HND in relevant discipline (not below lower credit), NYSC discharge or exemption certificate, registration with MIScT, AIScT or AIST plus four (4) years work experience.
  • ND (not below lower credit) plus eight (8) years working experience.



Job Title: Science Laboratory Technologist I

Location: Karu, Nasarawa

To be eligible for appointment to this position, candidate shall possess any of the following:

  • B.Sc (Second class lower category) with at least 3 years relevant work experience in a recognized institution or HND (Not below Lower credits) in relevant discipline or a full Technology Certificate in relevant discipline (not below lower credit pass) from approved and accredited institution in relevant disciplines with a minimum of 8 years relevant work experience in a recognized institution.
  • In addition, registration whether Associate Nigeria Institute of Science Technologist (ANIST) or Associate Institute of Scence Technologist.



Job Title: Science Laboratory Technologist II

Location: Karu, Nasarawa

To be eligible for appointment to this position, candidate shall possess any of the following:

  • B.Sc (Second class lower category) and must possess NYSC decharge or exemption.
  • HND Certificate or a full Technology Cartficate (not below lower credits) from approved and accredited institution or Associate Institute of Science Technologist in relevant discipline plus four 4 years relevant working experience in a recognized institution not below lower credit pass.



Job Title: Higher Technical Officer

Location: Karu, Nasarawa

To be eligible for appointment to this position, a candidate must possess either:

  • B.Sc. Degree (Third Class Division)
  • HND in relevant discipline (not below lower credit).
  • NYSC discharge or exemption certificate plus registration with the MIScT (Membership Institute of Science Technology) or AIScT (Associate of Institute of Science Technology) or AIST (Associate of Institute of Science Technology)
  • ND in relevant discipline (not below lower credit) plus at least four (4) years relevant work experience in a recognised institution.



Job Title: Professor

Location: Karu, Nasarawa
Faculty: Medical Laboratory Sciences


  • Interested applicants must possess a BA, B.Sc / MBBS and Fellowship Part II with a minimum of Second Class Lower Division. MA / M.Sc and PhD. and with at least twelve (12) years of continuous Teaching and research at the University level.
  • Applicants must show evidence of scholarship and track record of outstanding research with a minimum of the (15) scholarly publications in reputable journals Registration with Professional Boys required
  • To be appointed, the candidate is expected to demonstrate evidence of academic leadership, capacity to develop the field discipline in the departmentally for collaborate and multidisciplinary research and able to supervise postgraduate students in the field.



Job Title: Professor

Location: Karu, Nasarawa
Faculty: Law


  • Interested applicants must possess a BA, B.Sc / MBBS and Fellowship Part II with a minimum of Second Class Lower Division. MA / M.Sc and PhD. and with at least twelve (12) years of continuous Teaching and research at the University level.
  • Applicants must show evidence of scholarship and track record of outstanding research with a minimum of the (15) scholarly publications in reputable journals Registration with Professional Boys required
  • To be appointed, the candidate is expected to demonstrate evidence of academic leadership, capacity to develop the field discipline in the departmentally for collaborate and multidisciplinary research and able to supervise postgraduate students in the field.



Job Title: Professor

Location: Karu, Nasarawa
Faculty: Pharmacy
Department: Pharmacy


  • Interested applicants must possess a BA, B.Sc / MBBS and Fellowship Part II with a minimum of Second Class Lower Division. MA / M.Sc and PhD. and with at least twelve (12) years of continuous Teaching and research at the University level.
  • Applicants must show evidence of scholarship and track record of outstanding research with a minimum of the (15) scholarly publications in reputable journals Registration with Professional Boys required
  • To be appointed, the candidate is expected to demonstrate evidence of academic leadership, capacity to develop the field discipline in the departmentally for collaborate and multidisciplinary research and able to supervise postgraduate students in the field.



Job Title: Chief Technical Officer

Location: Karu, Nasarawa


  • To be eligible for appointment to this position, the candidate must possess a B.Sc (3rd Class Division) or HND (not below Lower Credit) in relevant discipline plus at least fifteen (15) years relevant working experience in a recognized institution.
  • The candidate must also possess a Post-graduate Degree plus Fellowship qualification and 2 Seminar Papers.



Job Title: Assistant Chief Technical Officer I

Location: Karu, Nasarawa


  • To be eligible for appointment to this position, the candidate must possess a B.Sc (3rd Class Division) or HND (not below Lower Credit) in relevant discipline plus twelve (12) years relevant working experience in a recognized institution.
  • He / she must also possess a Post-graduate Degree plus Fellowship qualification plus 1 Seminar Paper.



Job Title: Reader

Location: Karu, Nasarawa


  • Interested applicants must possess a BA / B.Sc / MBBS and Fellowship Part II qualification with a minimum of Second Class Lower Division. MA /M.Sc / PhD with at least ten (10) years of continuous teaching and research at the University level
  • The candidate must show evidence of scholarship and track record of outstanding research with a minimum of twelve (12) scholarly publications in reputable journals Registration with Professional Body is required
  • The Candidate is expected to demonstrate evidence of academic Leadership capacity to develop the field / discipline in the department, ability for collaborative and multidisciplinary research and ability to supervise postgraduate students in the field.



Job Title: Principal Technical Officer

Location: Karu, Nasarawa

To be eligible for appointment to this position, a candidate must possess either:

  • B.Sc. Degree in relevant discipline (not below second class lower division) with NYSC discharge or exemption certificate and registration with MIScT AIScT or AIST plus Six (6) years work experience.
  • HND in relevant discipline (not below lower credit), NYSC discharge or exemption certificate, registration with MIScT, AIScT or AIST plus  Eight (8) years work experience plus registration with other professional bodies.


Conditions of Service
The remuneration and conditions of service are comparable with the conditions of service obtainable in the Nigerian University System, and as may be determined by the council and the Proprietor from time to time.


How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates are required to submit fifteen (15) copies of Application Letter and fifteen (15) copies of comprehensive Curriculum Vitae (attaching photocopies of relevant credentials). Applications should be forwarded under confidential cover in an envelope sealed and marked at the top left hand corner with the position applied for and addressed to:
The Registrar,
Bingham University,
Km 26, Abuja-Keffi Expressway,
P.M.B 005, Karu,
Nasarawa State.

Alternatively, Applications can be sent via mail to:

Note: Candidates are advised to request three (3) of their referees to forward reports on them under confidential cover to the Registrar, Bingham University.

Application Deadline  16th August, 2021.