N5 Program Officer (PO), Post Harvest & Agro Processing (PHAP) at The Sasakawa Africa Association
The Sasakawa Africa Association / Sasakawa Global 2000 (SAA/SG2000), a non-profit non-governmental organization with its office in Nigeria, promotes demonstration and widespread adoption of improved pre and post-production agricultural technologies for smaliholder farmers in Nigeria in collaboration with relevant government institutions, farmers’ organizations, and private sector.
We would like to recruit qualified and competent candidates from Nigerian nationals for the position below:
Job Title: N5 Program Officer (PO), Post Harvest & Agro Processing (PHAP)
Location: Nigeria
Job Overview
- The Program Officer (P0) PHAP reports to the PHAP Theme Coordinator and assists the PHAP Coordinator and Senior Program Officer in carrying out activities that contribute to the implementation of value-chain extension approach to attain SM goal.
- S/he complements the job of the PHAP Theme Coordinator and is tasked with specific technical responsibility such as promotion of PHAP machines, or developing nutrition-intervention, or other sub-sector of the post-production sub-sector of the value chain.
Required Tasks
- Assist the team in conducting technology demonstrations, Famers’ Field Days, agricultural show and experience-sharing tours on the use and management of the promoted PHAP technologies.
- Provide feedback to thematic colleagues and partners on technology selection, performance and impacts through demonstrations, meetings and reports.
- Assist PcIAP Theme Coordinator in preparing monthly, quarterly biannual and annual technical reports.
- Participate actively in inter theme activities along the value-chain
- Assist PHAP Theme Coordinator in development of PHAP program (monthly! quarterly/annual) work plan and budget.
- Assist in conducting PHAP needs assessment and contribute to baseline surveys in selected sites in collaboration with other themes.
- Assist PHAP Theme Coordinator to develop an extension program to promote improved postharvest handling, storage and other value-adding technologies, including the development of off-farm agro-processing enterprise and improving nutrition for rural families. Specifically, advise on economic viability of selected technologies
- Assist in Planning, organizing, coordinating and conducting business-oriented training on economic analysis of PHAP technologies, development and management of agro-enterprises, skills development on market negotiations and product promotion, and basic business skills for farmers and agro-processor, especially women, youth and PwD.
- Contribute to the development of PHAP training materials for use by trainers and farmers along with PHAP Theme Coordinator and other members of the team.
- Support PHAP Theme Coordinators and the team to implement programs to promote PHAP technologies and agro-processirig enterprises, specifically monitor the economic performances of the promoted technologies and agro-processing enterprises, and advise on using them profitably; identify market opportunities and link farmers and processor to these markets.
- Backstop project activities through regular field visits to provide technical guidance and advice to the extension field staff and other stakeholders on time and collect yield and economic data, analyze and produce field reports.
- Perform any other duties as assigned by supervisors.
Education Background and Experience
- Minimum requirement: BSc / MSc in Agriculture Economics, Post harvest Management, Agricultural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Food Technology, Rural Development, or any other relevant education
- 5 - 7 years of working experience on relevant field respectively.
- Basic knowledge on Econometric and statistical analysis and good reporting skills
- Works with minimum supervision on developing business plan and analyzing economic viability of agro- enterprises.
- English Proficiency: Level Cl (Especially writing skills),
- Microsoft Office: Intermediate knowledge of Power point, Word and Excel
How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should submit an Application, including the following non-returnable documents:
- Application letters stating intent of interest.
- Curriculum Vitae with three referees.
- Copies of credentials.
All applications must be made electronically to:
Via the postal address below:
The Country Director,
Sasakawa Global, Sasakawa Global 2000,
No. 8, Kura Road, Off Magajin Rumfa,
P.M.B. 5190, Kano State.
Application Deadline 19th February, 2020.