MEAL Assistant at Première Urgence Internationale

Première Urgence Internationale (PUI) is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political and non-religious international aid organization. Our teams are committed to supporting civilians’ victims of marginalization and exclusion, or hit by natural disasters, wars and economic collapses, by answering their fundamental needs. Our aim is to provide emergency relief to uprooted people in order to help them recover their dignity and regain self-sufficiency.

We are recruiting to fill the position below:



Job Title: MEAL Assistant

Location: Monguno, Borno
Employment Type: Full-time

Job Description

  • Under the supervision of the MEAL Officer, the MEAL Assistant will contribute to the implementation of MEAL activities in the field through supporting Project/Field Officers, partner staffs and Community Facilitators/Mobilisers in data collection, consolidation and quality management and undertake M&E related activities and implementation of an appropriate monitoring and evaluation system for successful delivery and attainment of project goals and objectives.
  • She/he will also be in charge of implementing the accountability strategy in Monguno, as well as strengthen capacity-building and capitalization through the development and the implementation of learning tools and process.

Responsibilities and Tasks
Implementation of the accountability strategy:

  • Assist the MEAL Officer in the implementation of complaints and feedback mechanism (CFM) based on the highest levels of integrity which beneficiaries will trust and ensures that they can make confidential complaints and be confident of the response processes
  • Conduct periodic field visit to ensure that accountability systems are in place and the necessary support is provided as needed
  • Participate in internal and external meetings related to humanitarian accountability
  • Monitor complaints received and response (follow-up) processes through developing and maintaining a tracking mechanism
  • Ensure that feedback is routinely recorded, reviewed and responded timely in line with feedback mechanism guidelines
  • Be the first point of contact for beneficiary, staff and stakeholder complaints
  • Maintain and update the CFM database and provide timely update to project staff based on the nature of feedback
  • Assist in Analyzing patterns and trends in complaints to help improve programming
  • Generate periodic reports and share with the MEAL officer

Implementation of the Monitoring & Evaluation Plan:

  • Assist the MEAL Officer in the collection, reporting and validation of monitoring data of project teams and ensure the data reported by Field Officers/Program Managers is accurate and of good quality and reported in a timely manner
  • Support in ensuring that community leaders and beneficiaries are actively participating in all project and M&E activities
  • Ensure utilization by projects of appropriate data collection and reporting templates that facilitate the acquisition and aggregation of data

Internal and external reporting:

  • Update MEAL Officer on daily achievements and challenges encountered on the field, at the end of each day
  • Ensure that the data collected goes through a data cleaning and validation process each day
  • Keep monitoring tools and files archived at the PUI office, ensuring their availability to the MEAL department
  • Pass on any information or problems to her/his direct and/or indirect supervisor concerning her/his task, PUI programs, or safety aspects

Capitalization/Institutional Knowledge Building:

  • Participate actively in team workshops and lessons learnt seminars
  • Support in identifying and formulating accountability findings, lessons learned and recommendations to be integrated into planning and reporting efforts of PUI project activities
  • Assist in training of beneficiaries, community leaders, community facilitators/mobilisers and Field staff on M&E if needed
  • Assist in developing a responsive, functional and appropriate feed backing mechanism which can improve current project implementation and guide future programming

Communication & Follow up:

  • Respond to beneficiaries’ queries with good knowledge of relevant information when approached
  • Assist in developing a responsive, functional and appropriate feed backing mechanism which can improve current project implementation and guide future programming


  • The tasks and responsibilities defined in this job description are non-exhaustive and can evolve depending on the project’s needs. The employee could be requested to perform other tasks as his/her line manager may judge necessary.



How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply


Application Deadline 10th December, 2023.

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