The Federal University Gashua is one of the 12 new Universities established 6 years ago, by the Federal Government to bridge the gap of University education in all States of the Federation, which hitherto had no Federal Universities. The University, which took off in 2014 started off with a remedial studies programmes and later with academic programmes in Arts, Science and Agriculture which had 21 programmes in all. The Centre for Irrigation and Desertification Studies (CIDS) also commenced operation from inception.
The Vision of the University is, “to be a leading Centre of Excellence distinguished by its innovative and competitive approach to teaching, learning, research and service to humanity”, therefore, it intends to he ranked among the best Universities world-wide.
Federal University Gashua has declared the position of the Director Works and Physical Planning vacant. In accordance with section a (1) of Federal University Gashu Establishment Act, 2015, the Governing Council is inviting applications from suitable candidates to fill the position below:
Job Title: Director of Works and Physical Planning
Location: Gashua, Yobe
Job Description
The Person
Candidates for this post should:
The salary attached to this position is CONTISS 15. Other benefits to the holder of the office are as stipulated in the University's conditions of service.
How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates are required to submit Fifteen (15) copies of typed Applications Letter with photocopies of Certificates claimed, Curriculum Vitae and names of 3 (three) referees. The CV should contain their personal details in the following order listed below:
All Applications together with the supporting documents and names of 3 (three) referees should be enclosed in an envelop marked "CONFIDENTIAL: for the attention of the Registrar" at the left hand corner of the envelope and addressed and sent to:
The Registrar,
Federal University Gashua,
Yobe State.
Note: Late applications will not be entertained and only short-listed Candidates will be contacted.
Application Deadline: 17th September, 2021.
VIP Invite: $650 (N1m)/month story supply contract - for both writers and Non-writers
Senior Workshop Manager - Golden Transport Division at Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc
Planning Engineer at Timospiden Global Services
Contract Engineer at Felton Energy Services Limited (FESL)
Electrical Engineer at Century Industrial Fze
Assistant Manager - Automation at Premium Edible Oil Products Limited
Senior Safety Engineer at Felton Energy Services Limited (FESL)
Safety Engineer at SPIE Oil & Gas Services
Quality Control (QC) Coordinator at Oilserv Limited
Bank Reconciliator at Great Brands Nigeria Limited
Zonal Sales Manager at PZ Cussons Nigeria Plc
Valuation Analyst or Specialists in a Reputable Federal Government Agency
Chief Inspector in a Reputable Federal Government Agency
Actuarial & Data Analyst or Specialists in a Reputable Federal Government Agency
IT Infrastructure & Data Security Specialists in a Reputable Federal Government Agency
Professional Accountants (IFRS & IPSAS) in a Reputable Federal Government Agency
Product Manager at Carbon Nigeria
Regulatory Auditor at a Reputable Federal Government Agency - Africa Technology Hub Limited