APM Terminals Scholarship and Industrial Attachment Programme, 2014

APM Terminals is one of the worIds largest, high technology and most - respected container terminal operators offering the global shipping community an integrated and growing Global Terminal Network of over 70 operating container facilities in 64 countries on 5 continents including Africa.

APM Terminals 4th Scholarship and Industrial Attachment Programme

Length of scholarship: 1 Academic year

Length of Industrial Attachment: 6 months for university undergraduates/1 year for polytechnic undergraduates


  • 400 Level University/200 Level Polytechnic undergraduates
Start date for industrial attachment: June 2014

How to Apply
Send your Full Names, Department, Faculty, Institution, Current level, Current CGPA, Matriculation no, Phone no, and Email address to: [email protected]

Application Deadline 1st April, 2014