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Agiville Industries Limited Recruitment 2024

Address: Not available

Agiville Industries Limited job vacancies in Nigeria

If you're interested in working at Agiville Industries Limited, below is a list of current job vacancies and career opportunities at Agiville Industries Limited. You can browse and apply through this portal.

Sales Executives at Agiville Industries Limited

Agiville Industries Limited is a manufacturing company based in Mile 2, Lagos that is into the mass production of high-quality plastic environmental waste bins for domestic, commercial, and industr...

Production Manager at Agiville Industries Limited

Agiville Industries Limited is a manufacturing company based in Mile 2, Lagos that is into the mass production of high-quality plastic environmental waste bins for domestic, commercial, and industr...

Recruitment at Agiville Industries Limited

Agiville Industries Limited is a manufacturing company based in Mile 2, Lagos involved in the mass production of high quality plastic environmental waste bins for domestic, commercial and ind...

Production Manager at Agiville Industries Limited

Agiville Industries Limited is a manufacturing company based in Mile 2, Lagos involved in the mass production of high quality plastic environmental waste bins for domestic, commercial and ind...

Security Operative at Agiville Industries Limited

Agiville Industries Limited is a manufacturing company based in Mile 2, Lagos involved in the mass production of high quality plastic environmental waste bins for domestic, commercial and ind...

Spy Police Driver at Agiville Industries Limited

Agiville Industries Limited is a manufacturing company based in Mile 2, Lagos involved in the mass production of high quality plastic environmental waste bins for domestic, commercial and in...

Business Development Executive at Agiville Industries Limited

Agiville Industries Limited is a manufacturing company based in Mile 2, Lagos involved in the mass production of high quality plastic environmental waste bins for domes...

Quality Control Officer at Agiville Industries Limited

Agiville Industries Limited is a manufacturing company based in Mile 2, Lagos involved in the mass production of high quality plastic environmental waste bins for domestic, commercial ...

Production Engineer at Agiville Industries Limited

Agiville Industries Limited is a manufacturing company based in Mile 2, Lagos involved in the mass production of high quality plastic environmental waste bins for domestic, commercial and ind...

Sales Manager at Agiville Industries Limited

Agiville Industries Limited is a manufacturing company based in Mile 2, Lagos involved in the mass production of high quality plastic environmental waste bins for domestic, commercial and ind...

General Manager at Agiville Industries Limited

Agiville Industries Limited is a manufacturing company based in Mile 2, Lagos involved in the mass production of high quality plastic environmental waste bins for domestic, commercial and in...

Recent Job Vacancies at Agiville Industries Limited, 20th December 2019

Agiville Industries Limited is a manufacturing company based in Mile 2, Lagos involved in the mass production of high quality plastic environmental waste bins for domestic, commercial and ind...

Job Vacancies at Agiville Industries Limited, 23rd October, 2019

Agiville Industries Limited is a manufacturing company based in Mile 2, Lagos involved in the mass production of high quality plastic environmental waste bins for domestic, commercial and industrial u...

Sales Executive Vacancy at Agiville Industries Limited

Agiville Industries Limited is a manufacturing company based in Mile 2, Lagos involved in the mass production of high quality plastic environmental waste bins for domestic, commercial and industrial u...

Latest Jobs at Agiville Industries Limited, 9th October, 2019

Agiville Industries Limited is a manufacturing company based in Mile 2, Lagos involved in the mass production of high quality plastic environmental waste bins for domestic, commercial and industrial u...

Ongoing Recruitment at Agiville Industries Limited

Agiville Industries Limited is a manufacturing company based in Mile 2, Lagos involved in the mass production of high quality plastic environmental waste bins for domestic, commercial and industrial u...

Recent Vacancies at Agiville Industries Limited, 28th May, 2019

Agiville Industries - A leading Plastic Manufacturing company based in Lagos State with widespread agents across the country, requires candidates for the vacant position below for immediate employment...

Latest Job Vacancies in a Manufacturing Company in Lagos (Agiville Industries Limited)

Agiville Industries Limited is a manufacturing company based in Mile 2, Lagos involved in the mass production of high quality plastic environmental waste bins for domestic, commercial and industrial u...

Latest Recruitment at Agiville Industries Limited

Agiville Industries Limited is a manufacturing company based in Mile 2, Lagos involved in the mass production of high quality plastic environmental waste bins for domestic, commercial and industrial u...

Current Recruitment at Agiville Industries Limited, April 2018

Agiville Industries Limited is a manufacturing company based in Mile 2, Lagos involved in the mass production of high quality plastic environmental waste bins for domestic, commercial and industrial u...

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