Commerce questions and answers

Commerce Questions and Answers

Test and improve your knowledge of the fundamentals of buying and selling with these Commerce past questions and answers.


The main objective of a trade association can best be described as promoting and protecting ?


the product


common interest


the market


customer's interest

Correct answer is B

A trade association is a voluntary organization of independent business units in the same branch of industry, which conducts co-operatively activities aimed at improving the welfare of the group, which does not deprive its members of the power to make essential managerial decisions.”Trade associations are formed by businesses which are engaged in same or similar trade. They are organized on a non-profit basis. Trade associations are formed for the protection and promotion of business interests of its members.


one of the criteria for differenciating consumer markets from industrial ones is the?


type of demand


type of supply


nature of service rendered


price of the goods

Correct answer is C

The basic difference is Industrial market (Factor Market) is the market which produces goods and services, with inputs like labour, land, and machinery and these goods are consumed by Consumers in Consumer Market (Product Market) .

 In Consumer Market , the buyer is always the end consumer of goods where as in Industrial Market , the buyer is not the end user of goods rather the one who will be procesisng it further to make it available for the end users .

 In a consumer market the consumer uses the product for personal use but in an industrial market the industry uses the products as supplys or/ and to do operations.


Bank giro is a system where?


commercial banks can give loan to all customers.


a central bank opens accounts for commercial banks


a customer uses a cheque to pay several bills.


a customer closes his account by writing a cheque

Correct answer is C

Bank giro credits (BGCs) are used by customers to pay cash or cheques into a bank account. They are commonly found in the form of tear-off strips at the bottom of utility, telephone and other regular bills.


A person who undertakes any risk in insurance business is known as ? 


a broker


an underwriter


an insurer


an actuary

Correct answer is B

An underwriter is any party that evaluates and assumes another party's risk for a fee, such as a commission, premium, spread or interest. Underwriters operate in many aspects of the financial world, including the mortgage industry, insurance industry, equity markets, and common types of debt securities.


Excise duties are paid on goods that are?


imported into the country


manufactured within the country


exported to other countries


kept in bonded warehouse

Correct answer is B

Excises are often associated with customs duties (which are levied on pre-existing goods when they cross a designated border in a specific direction); customs duties are levied on goods which come into existence – as taxable items – at the border, while excise is levied on goods which came into existence inland . That is to say, An excise duty is a type of tax charged on goods produced within the country (as opposed to customs duties, charged on goods from outside the country).