Which of the following can be found as a part of the mitochondrial matrix?
All of these
Correct answer is D
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The fluid matrix of a cell is called the
endoplasmic reticulum
Correct answer is B
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Both have their own DNA
Both have their own ribosomes
Both strongly resemble prokaryotes, especially in size
Both can live and function independently of the cell
Correct answer is D
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Specialized type of peroxisome and the site of glyoxylate pathway in certain plants is known as
none of these
Correct answer is C
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Which of the following statements about the outer mitochondrial membrane is not true?
The outer membrane is impermeable to hydrogen ions
The outer membrane is highly permeable to substances of small molecular weight
The outer membrane is about 50% lipid and 50% protein by weight
The outer membrane contains porins
Correct answer is A
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