lf the price of a good falls and the demand for that good also fall, then that good is .......
a normal good
an inferior good
a supper good
an expensive good
Correct answer is E
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What is NOT a lecture of a co-operative society?
banks easily lend money to them
it is a corporate body with a right to sue and be sued
members have to buy shares to form the initial capital
members have equal opportunity in the control of the society
there is no liability after shareholding is fully paid
Correct answer is B
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The term ‘caveat emptor’ means ‘let the
account be settled’
buyer beware’
debtor be careful’
manufacturer beware'
seller beware'
Correct answer is B
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What is the OBJECT of a co-operative society?
diversify the members’ produce tor international purpose
gain freedom in marketing the members’ produce
indulge in large scale production and earn huge profits
popularize government policies among the members
provide an agency for meeting the economic needs of members
Correct answer is E
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What is NOT a characteristic of a Private Limited Liability Company?
a shareholder is not free to transfer his shares to someone without the permission of others
its shares cannot be offered to the public through the stock market
the liability of shareholders is not limited to the amount of shams taken up
the minimum and maximum number of shareholders is seven and infinity respectively
the minimum and maximum number of shareholders is two and fifty respectively
Correct answer is D
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