Cementation process
Crucible process
Bessemer process
Open hearth process
Correct answer is B
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Pick up the correct statement from the following
In basic Bessemer process, the steel heats the converter
In open-hearth process, the furnace heats the steel
In Siemens process, the impurities of pig iron are oxidised by the oxygen of the ore
all the above
Correct answer is D
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Vanadium steel is generally used for
railway switches and crossing
bearing balls
axles and springs
Correct answer is D
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is an organic substance
consists of natural or synthetic binders
finished products are rigid and stable at normal temperature
is capable of flow when necessary heat and pressure are applied
All the above
Correct answer is E
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For filling cracks in masonry structures, the type of bitumen used is
cut-back bitumen
blown bitumen
plastic bitumen
Correct answer is D
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