Toes of the feet ending in sharp, curved hook suitable fo...
Toes of the feet ending in sharp, curved hook suitable for holding and tearing are most likely to belong to the bird with the bill in
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Which of the following protects the essential parts of the flower at bud stage? ...
The glottis is the opening which leads to the ...
The long and sharp clawed feet of birds is an adaptation for ...
Which of the following food combinations would correct the deficiency numbered II? ...
The pro-condition for transfusion of blood to an accident victim is ...
A sudden change in the genetic composition of an organism is termed ...
Lamarck’s evolution theory can be summarised by one of these statements ...
Lateral meristem in flowering plants is found in the A. cortex B. pericycle C.&n...