The chairman of the National Defense Council as provided ...
The chairman of the National Defense Council as provided in the 1999 Constitution is the
Minister of Defence
Chief of Defence Staff
Chief of Army Staff
Correct answer is D
The President is the chairman of the National Defence Council as provided in the 1999 Constitution.
Other members are as follows:
1. The Vice President who shall be the Deputy Chairman
2. The Minister of the Government of the
3. The Chief of Defence Staff;
4. The Chief of Naval Staff;
5. The Chief of Army Staff;
6. The Chief of Air Staff and
7. Such other members as the President may appoint.
The Council shall have power to advise the President on matters relating to the defence of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Nigeria.
A country is said to be democratic if ...
The rights of the individual are the ...
When a high court declares and action of the executive ultra-vires, it means that ...
For democracy to be sustained in a country it needs a ...
An attribute that Nigeria shares with most non-aligned countries is ...
In local government administration ,Chief and Council implies that ...
In 1993, Nigerian troops were on peace-keeping assignment to ...
The concept of sovereignty was popularised by ...
Gerontocracy is a form of government in which power is held by ...