The Technical Aid Corps programme was initiated by Nigeri...
The Technical Aid Corps programme was initiated by Nigeria to contribute to the socio-economic development of
developing countries
the Third World
West Africa
Correct answer is B
The Technical Aid Corps programme was initiated by Nigeria to contribute to the socio-economic development of Africa
Quota system and federal character principles were entrenched in the 1979 constitution to ensure ...
Implementations of the target programmes of the government is the primary duty of the _____ a p...
In the Second Republic, the total membership of each House of Assembly was determined by the ...
The United Nations Organization (UNO)came into existence in ...
Citizenship of a state by descent requires that______ ...
Which of the following best describes public opinion? ...
An election district for a local government election is a ...
Residual powers in a federation are exercised by the ...
All the following are features of a representative government except ...
Before the 1976 reforms, the three-tier local government system was practiced by ...