An elected legislator in a presidential system can loose ...
An elected legislator in a presidential system can loose his seat by
a vote of no confidence
Correct answer is D
An elected legislator in a presidential system can loose his seat by recall.
The word ''Recall'' was defined by G.A.I. Ofoegbu (1999) as a device by which elected officials in the legislature or government could be called back even before their tenure expires.
The United Nations Secretary-General is appointed for a ...
The following are means of controlling public corporation except _________ ...
The most recent target plans and agenda of the United Nations are known as the______ ...
Which of the following alternatives is a feature of a federation ...
One of the features of an absolute monarch is that the ruler ...
What is the primary source of revenue for the local government in Nigeria? ...
The western zone of the Sokoto caliphate was administered from ...
Which of the folowing factors usually leads to the collaspe of a confederal state ...