Soft minded individuals are ...... to embrace all kinds s...
Pick out the most effective word(s) from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.
Soft minded individuals are ...... to embrace all kinds superstitions.
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
S1: I took cigarettes from my case. P : But when the fit of coughing was over, he replaced it bet...
It is not what you say that ...... but what you do ...
"You are thinking very highly about Ravi but he is not so" means ...... ...
Some people just cannot compromise where truth is concerned. ...
The Trust has succeeded admirably in raising money for its future programmes. ...
Shanghai is bigger than any city of the world. ...
When he returned, he was accompanied by a sprightly young girl. ...
The crime has growth rapidly in Russia since the disintegration of the communist system. ...
Foolishly John opened the cooker when it was full steam and burnt his hands. ...