About twenty clerks were made ...... when the banks intro...
Pick out the most effective word(s) from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.
About twenty clerks were made ...... when the banks introduced computers.
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
I think they allow their children too much ...... ...
Practically, very little work could be completed in the last week as it was ...... ...
Because he believes in democratic principles, he always ...... ...
Having superior or intellectual interests and tastes ...
When he P : did not know Q : he was nervous and R : heard the hue and cry at midnight S ...
He was asked to accelerate the pace of work. ...
For many centuries in Indian History there was no city so famous like the city of Ujjain. ...
Because of the emergency help that the patient received he would have died ...
It is very easy P : a great deal more than one realises Q : may mean R : that a phrase that...