Nigeria demonstrated her commitment to the policy of non-...
Nigeria demonstrated her commitment to the policy of non-alignment during the regime of
Ibrahim Babangida
Muhammadu Buhari
Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi
Murtala Muhammed
Correct answer is D
Nigeria antagonised the Western bloc and moved closer to the Easter bloc during the regime of General Murtala Mohammed. He condemned western imperialism which was held responsible for sustaining apartheid in South Africa. Nigeria supported all the liberation movements in Angola which were as follows:
The regime concentrated more om MPLA as it was the faction strongly backed by the communist bloc. The support to MPLA led to its victory in the year 1975.
The second Nigeria military leader to be assassinated in military coup d'etat was ...
A major weakness of confederation is ...
A necessary companion of the Rule of Law is ...
Which of the following is the duty of an Electoral Commission? ...
Communism is a system which recognizes ...
A military coup détat is followed by ...