The majority of the OPEC members are from
...The majority of the OPEC members are from
Latin America
The Middle East Countries
Correct answer is B
The majority of the OPEC members are the middle east countries.
The countries include:
1. Iran
2. Iraq
3. Kuwait
4. Saudi Arabia
5. Qatar
6. UAE
Red-tapism in the civil service is a product of ...
The desire for constitutional development in British West African Colonies was 'as a result of t...
A predominant feature of the Precolonial governance system was that_________ ...
A system whereby there is only one legislative chamber parliament is referred to as ...
Which of the following is a function of the Public Complaints Commission? ...
Parliamentary government is different from presidential government because ...
The primary reason for the establishment of political parties is to _______? ...
One of the most essential characteristics of the state is ...
Neutrality in the civil service means that ...
A constitution that can be amended through ordinary law making process is said to be ...