The president of Nigeria is advised on the sovereignty an...
The president of Nigeria is advised on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country by the
National Security Council
National Defense Council
Council of state
Federal Executive Council
Correct answer is B
The powers of the President with respect to national security, both internal and external, are enormous as he is in complete control of the matter. He is the chairman of both the National Security Council and the National Defense Council and he appoints their members except the ex official members. The totality of the role of the National Defense Council is “to advise the President on matters relating to the defense of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Nigeria”
An African- American who contributed greatly to the growth of nationalism in West Africa was _...
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Anonymity in the civil service means that an officer ...
A function of government is _________ ...
The presidential system of government was introduced in Nigeria with the Constitution of ...
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A political system in which there is only one legalized political party is called a ________ ...