What is the opposite of FAMILIAR?
...In the following question, choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given word in capital letters.
What is the opposite of FAMILIAR?
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
S1: What are the causes of our chronic food shortage ? P : To find for these growing new millions...
The inhabitants of the island were barbarians. ...
Some people now wonder whether we just pay lip-service or genuinely subscribe to democracy. ...
He dislikes the word dislike, isn't he ...
He did me a good turn by recommending me for the post of Vice Principal. ...
Neeraj said that he would rather fail than copying in the examination. ...
A 'many-side personality' means ...
Adversity teaches man to be humble and self-reliant. ...
Sunlight and shadow made the landscape a kaleidoscope of colour. ...
No sooner had the jeep arrives the station than a young police officer jumped out of it. ...