The benevolence of the God of Rain has s...
In the sentence given below, a word is printed in bold. Below it, four choices are given. Pick the one which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word printed in bold and can replace it without altering the meaning of the sentence.
The benevolence of the God of Rain has seen a very successful monsoon this year too
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
S1: And then Gandhi came. P : Get off the backs of these peasants and workers, he told us, all yo...
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The facts speak for themselves so they need exposition only, not demonstration. At the present ...
He was in high spirits when I met him in the restaurant. ...
According to the writer, a study of famous battles of history would ...
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Four words are given below. Find out the word, of which the spelling is WRONG. Choose option 'E&...
Four words are given below. Find out the word, of which the spelling is WRONG. Choose option 'E&...
The people generally try to curry favour with the corrupt but influential person. ...