If a commodity has many substitutes, it is most likely th...
If a commodity has many substitutes, it is most likely that?
The demand curve is fairly inelastic
The demand curve is fairly elastic
The demand curve is parallel to the quantity axis
The demand curve is positively sloped
The price of the commodity is too high
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The theoretical relationship between money supply and prices is weakened by changes in the ...
Which of the following is central to the definition of Economics? ...
One of the factors affecting the supply of manufactured goods is ...
Which of the following is a bank's responsibility to it's shareholders? ...
The imposition of high income tax by government to cut down demand is known as ...
The need to construct a scale of preference is necessitated by ...
Points outside the production possibility curves shows ...
If two commodities are unrelated, a change in the price of one will___________ ...