one example of of a product of a construction industry is...
one example of of a product of a construction industry is a
bag of cement
piece of cloth
Correct answer is A
Construction is the process of constructing a building or infrastructure. Construction is a general term meaning the art and science to form objects, systems, or organizations. A chair is shaped, fine- tuned and put together and the process of putting all the required material to form a tangible piece, is construction.
A postal service that allows a company's customers to reply to its advertisements at the expense...
Which of the following is used as a pricing policy? ...
The import of foreign-produced goods to be re-exported is known as ...
Specialization is possible as a result of ...
A country’s balance of payments is divided into ...
The Central Bank differs from commercial banks because it? ...
The abbreviation ECOWAS stands for? ...
An underlined principle in the marketing of goods is that firms should ...
In Nigeria, the ministry in charge of registering trade association is that of ...