The factors responsible for large scale production of dur...
The factors responsible for large scale production of durable goods are
capital and infrastructure
land and infrastructure
labour and capital
equipment and labour
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
An author's exclusive right to published and unpublished works is known as? ...
A term which indicates that share is temporarily suspended is ...
On which of the following grounds may a company be compulsorily wound up? ...
The type of labour that makes use of physical effort in production processes is the ...
A licensed person who is authorized to sell to the highest bidder is ...
A firm that disposes its wastes properly is discharging its? ...
A document used to advertise shares for sale is ...
Which of the following policies qualifies the holder to income to income tax relief? ...
A document from a seller which corrects an under-charge on a buyer's account is known as? ...