The quickest and most accurate means of communication is<...
The quickest and most accurate means of communication is
express mail
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The excess value of all the assets of a business over the value of its liabilities is called ...
An abridged version of a company's income statement for 11993 contains the following information...
Which of the following is used to stimulate sales? ...
Which of the following conditions may make the manufacturer sell directly to the consumer? ...
When a bill is paid before its date at a lesser value, it is? ...
A facility used for impressing pre-paid postage rate on letters is called? ...
If Ade issues a Union Bank cheque to Chukwu, the Union Bank is the ...
A clean bill of leading is so-called because? ...
A term which indicates that share is temporarily suspended is ...
The current trend in retailing competition in Nigeria are? ...