A system in which a group of persons are appointed to car...
A system in which a group of persons are appointed to carry out special duties of policy and decision-making is referred to as the
matrix structure
staff structure
committee structure
functional structure
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
When a company buys up firms supplying it with raw materials, this is an example of ...
Land as a factor of production does not vary in _______ ...
A cheque that is drawn in the name of a bank instead of the account holder's name is called? ...
A pro forma invoice is sent to inform a buyer about the? ...
Gross profit is correctly ascertained by ...
Which of the following is an intangible assets of a firm? ...
A statement of the current price and terms of trade of a product or service is called ...
A demonstration of social responsibility by a business is the payment of _______ ...