The Galatians, were reminded by Paul that they were Abrah...
The Galatians, were reminded by Paul that they were Abraham's offspring and heirs according to
Good works
Correct answer is A
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For God hath not appointed us to wrath but to _______ salvation through our lord Jesus Christ ...
Paul's prayer for the Philippians was that the God who inspired them to give him gifts would sur...
The disciples of Jesus were not able to heal the boy who had a dumb spirit because ...
According to James, when Christians fall into temptation, they should ...
What does Jesus have in mind when he told the parable of the Good Samaritan? ...
"Come let us return to the Lord; for he has torn, that he may heal us; he has stricken, and he ...
In his comparison of the human body with the body of Christ, Paul did not mention the ...
Paul told the Philippians, Not that i seek gift, but ...
Onesimus ran away from his master here refers to ...
The appointment of deacons in the Early Church was meant to check ...