"...yet the most high does not dwell in houses made ...
"...yet the most high does not dwell in houses made with hands..." This defense of Stephen meant that God is
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Before his ascension, Jesus commissioned his disciples to go to all nations and ...
Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist ...
What was King Hezekiah's reaction to the letter of threat from the Assyria and king? ...
According to Amos' prophecy, the "Day of the Lord" to the Israelites would be a day of...
At the bank of river Jabbok the name of .......was changed to Isreal ...
Which one of these parables signifies God's love for all men? ...
Nehemiah, while in exile functions as the king's ...
The elders at Jerusalem advised Paul on his arrival in the city to ...
Peter's general outlook towards Gentile converts was significantly changed by the conversion ...
Jeremiah proclaimed that God's word in his mouth will be fire to ...