The priest of Midian gave Moses, his daughter
...The priest of Midian gave Moses, his daughter
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
.......was born at the time when Pharaoh ordered that all Hebrew male children be killed ...
God promised Abraham in a covenant that ...
The young man of Egypt took David to the band of the Amalekites because ...
Jesus taught that one should make friends quickly with one's ...
According to James, when we meet various trials in life, we should ...
When Jesus reached Bethany, He discovered that Lazarus has been in the tomb for ...
According to Peter, Christians who suffer according to the will of God will receive ...
Speaking on "New life in Christ", Paul taught that since our life is bound up with Christ ...
According to Prophet Jeremiah, one of the promises of God was that He would give the Israelites ...
'I have brought Agag the king of Amalek, and I have utterly destroyed the Amalekites'. This ...