Namaan, the commander of the Syrian army who had leprosy ...
Namaan, the commander of the Syrian army who had leprosy was cured in Israel by prophet
Correct answer is C
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The statement 'son' your sin are forgiven', was made by Jesus Christ to ...
As Nehemiah embarked on reconstruction of Jerusalem, he faced threats and opposition from ...
The prophet who was ordained from the womb for God's service was ...
When Herod the Tetrarch heard of the name of Jesus, he thought that He was ...
Jesus told the parable of the lost sheep in order to illustrate that ...
Daniel became distinguished above all other Presidents and satraps because ...
Which of the following is a condition for the eating of the Passover? ...
According to Paul in Philippians, humility means giving consideration to another people's ...
'The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the most high will overshadow you,therefore...
The person who discovered the book of law in the sanctuary during the reign of Josiah was ...