When Prophet Isaiah saw the Lord of Hosts in the temple, ...
When Prophet Isaiah saw the Lord of Hosts in the temple, he
Praised his glory
Prayed fervently
Was ashamed of himself and his people
Condemned himself and his people
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Which of these statements did God make to Joshua before the crossing of the Jordan? ...
Paul taught that, in consequences of his humility and death on the cross, Jesus gained ...
Paul argued that Jesus died for us while we were yet sinners in order to ...
Paul in Thessalonian said the signs of the Second Coming of Christ would start with ...
Before he sent Onesimus back to Philemon, Paul was convinced that Onesimus was no longer ...
The new covenant which God was to make with the house of Israel was that it would be ...
To whom did God promise to give the kingdom after Solomon's heart turned away from the Lord? ...
King Josiah was regarded as a defender of Jewish religion because ...