When Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the forbidden tree in ...
When Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden, they
Died physically
Lost contact with God
Regretted their action
Were cursed
Correct answer is D
In Genesis 3:14-19 (RSV), God pronounces various curses and consequences on the serpent, the woman (Eve), and Adam due to their disobedience in eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. Eve is told that childbirth will bring her increased pain, and she will desire her husband, who will rule over her. Adam is told that the ground is cursed because of him, and he will toil in labour to eat from it, dealing with thorns and thistles, and earning his bread by the sweat of his face until he returns to dust. These curses symbolize the introduction of hardship, pain and mortality into the world as a consequence of sin.
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