Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem is significant ...
Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem is significant because it
Was the climax of His revelation as the Messiah
Marked His assumption as a political leader
Marked the downfall of false Jewish religious leadership
Wasn't the end of Jesus ministry
Was the first and only time he rode on an Ass
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Paul in Romans advised believers to respect those in authority to avoid God's wrath and also for...
The scroll which Ezekiel ate was ...
Prophet Jeremiah saw the need for a new covenant for Israel because ...
God called Jonah and sent him to the people of Nineveh to ...
Pilate wondered greatly during the trial of Jesus before him because ...
According to Peter, God set up the state for the purpose of ...
''.....Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of host...'' The statement above was made in ...
The third sign which God performed through Moses in Egypt was ...
Which of the following questions did the high priest ask Jesus during His trial? ...