God provided water for Israelites by asking Moses to stri...
God provided water for Israelites by asking Moses to strike the rock at the Wilderness of
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
And the magician said to Pharaoh, 'This is the finger of God'. This statement was made after...
God sent His Son , Jesus Christ, into the world in the likeness of sinful flesh in order ...
King Herod granted the request of the daughter of Herodies by beheading John the Baptist because ...
When Peter said the time had come for judgement to begin with the "household of God" he me...
The remote cause of the fall of Jerusalem was ...
Paul's example of humility in his Epistle to the Philippians is ...
The king that reigned in Samaria during the prophecies of Amos and Hosea was ...
The Holy spirit descended on the followers of Christ and they began to speak in tongues ...
According to Paul, Grace is a ...
"Bring your necks under the yoke of the king of Babylon and serve him and his people and live&q...