In the Epistle of James, it is necessary to count it all ...
In the Epistle of James, it is necessary to count it all joy when you meet trials because faith produces
Correct answer is C
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The promise to Abraham and his descendants as the inheritor of the earth came through ...
On Mount Gilboa, king Saul decided to commit suicide in order to avoid ...
When the people of Israel received the minority report from the spies, they decided to ...
One of the titles often used in the book of Ezekiel is? ...
David was anointed king over Judah at ...
The valley of Achor in the Book of Hosea is a door of ...
The Israelite under Barak defeated the Canaanite troops led by ...
Joseph's rough treatment of his brothers was to ...
Paul was very confident that Philemon would grant his request because ...