What was the consequence for those who disobeyed Moses by...
What was the consequence for those who disobeyed Moses by going to gather manna on the Sabbath day?
The manna melted in the pot
They were bitten by snakes
The manna grew worms
They could not find any
Correct answer is D
In the book of exodus16:22-27, we see the story of the isrealites and moses living in the wilderness after being delivered from the egyptians captivity. God had instructed his people through moses to rest on the sabath day and not even manna was suppose to be sourced for on that day. But some of the isrealites disobeyed this instruction and went out on the said sabath day to get manna but surprisingly, they couldnt find any.
Exo 16:27 Nevertheless, some of the people went out on the seventh day to gather it, but they found none.
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