Jesus implies in His teaching on adultery, prayer, alms a...
Jesus implies in His teaching on adultery, prayer, alms and and fasting that these are more of matters of
The heart
Individual interpretation
Religious beliefs
Social norms
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
'' the name of Jesus every knee should bow ....every tongues confess that Jesus Chri...
When Naboth refused to exchange his vineyard with King Ahab, Ahab reacted by ...
Which of the following was not indicative of Solomon's proverbial wisdom? ...
Do not blaspheme that worthy name by which ye are called. What in that worthy name? ...
According to the Sermon on the Mount, God's kingdom would be filled with those who were ...
The altar that Gideon built under the oak at Ophrah was called ...
Abram responded to the Lord's appearing to him at Shechem by ...
The covenant was renewed on Mount Sinai because ...
According to Romans, when man confesses with his lips, he is ...
King Rehoboam refused to take the counsel of the elders because ...