Following the death of Stephen, the only group of believe...
Following the death of Stephen, the only group of believers not scattered by the great persecution was the
Correct answer is B
REF____Acts 8:1
The story of the prodigal son indicate that God is ...
As a reward for their faith, Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego were ...
To whom did God promise to give the kingdom after Solomon's heart turned away from the Lord? ...
Ahab who reigned over Israel in Samaria married? ...
In the night he was born, the baby Jesus was visited by ...
According to Luke, Jesus healed the epileptic boy by ...
God visited the children of Israel on Mount Sinai during the giving of the commandments through ...
Which of these kings did not assassinate his predecessor but was assassinated by his successor? ...
Peter enjoins church Elders as witnessing of the sufferings of Christ, to tend the flock of God ...
''Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth,...'' This statement shows that J...