The sins of Nineveh notwithstanding, God spared the inhab...
The sins of Nineveh notwithstanding, God spared the inhabitants because
Jonah was reluctant to deliver the message to them
The people responded positively to God's mercy
Nineveh was made up of a large population which did not know its right from its left
Nineveh was a great and prosperous city with one hundred and twenty thousand inhabitants
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The flood lasted, while Noah was in the ark, for ...
The children of Israel cried out to God for help in Egypt because ...
ln his teaching against idleness, Paul made reference to ...
The charge brought against Naboth for refusing to let the king have his vineyard was ...
According to the Prophet Hosea, the Israelites shall play the harlot, but they would ...
Believers today are partakers of the New Covenant through ...
Paul teaches that we should obey governing authorities in order to avoid ...
At the bank of river Jabbok the name of .......was changed to Isreal ...
In Corinthians, believers are taught to forgive one another in order to ...