Commodities which are used in world trade exclude
...Commodities which are used in world trade exclude
agricultural goods
manufactured goods
mineral resources
human trafficking
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
If the temperature at sea level at the foot of Cameroon Mountain is 32°C, what is the temperatur...
Which of the following statements is not correct? ...
Which of the following climatic types has the smallest annual range of temperature? ...
Although the rubber tree is a native of Brazil most of the world's natural rubber is now produce...
Nigeria's second sea port in terms of tonnage of goods handled is? ...
Hygrometer is used to measure? ...
Which of the the following towns is on the railway between Lagos and Kaduna? ...
The drainage pattern on River Kuku is ...
Which of the following sets of settlements is influenced by the presence of water body? ...